On 17/04/2012 13:53, Miha Požauko wrote:
> Armin thanks for your answer and sorry i didn't mention modifications in my 
> first question.
> All modifications in code are now restored to default settings.
> Following your explanation i managed to get characters showing properly 
> except when using type "options" in search.xml ("suggest" is OK).  In this 
> case when i search entity with special character, it gives me "No records 
> found". In Internet Explorer search fields don't even show up.
> I think the problem is the same as described in this post: 
> http://old.nabble.com/Problems-in-Attribute-search-(search.xml)-td18969231.html,
>  but i can't get my hands on that patch you provided due to death link 
> (http://svn.pmapper.net/trac/browser/pmapper/branches/latest-stable/incphp/query/search.php?format=txt).

I would guess this patch went into the main releases.

Check the query that's sent to the DB from the debug log, you should see 
which string is used.

Please try the following modification in search.php, change line 779 from

$k = $row[0];


$k = $encoding != "UTF-8" ? iconv($encoding, "UTF-8", $row[0]) : $row[0];

But in general I do not really understand why anyone uses other 
encodings for Postgres than UTF-8 (at least if strings can contain 
non-ASCII characters...). For shapefiles it's different since not all 
clients can handle UTF-8 encodings, but for a real DB, what's the 
disadvantage of having UTF-8...?


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