Hi all,

I have reinstalled pmapper 5 from start, keeping only the minimal layers to
It looks like Gmap or OSM have to be present, so I keep OSM and countries
layers only.
As before, countries don't show up on the map, only OSM does.

No php or mapserver error.

pm_debug.log shows:
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:10] P.MAPPER debug info
x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapscale:
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:15] P.MAPPER debug info
 P.MAPPER-ERROR: RESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
proper function of PDF print.
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:15] P.MAPPER debug info
 P.MAPPER-ERROR: DEFRESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
proper function of PDF print.
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:16] P.MAPPER debug info
x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapMaxExtent:
    [0] => -4000000
    [1] => 3000000
    [2] => 8000000
    [3] => 12000000

[25-Jan-2013 11:29:16] P.MAPPER debug info
x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapProjection:
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:16] P.MAPPER debug info
x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapscale:
[25-Jan-2013 11:29:17] P.MAPPER debug info
 Validation of search.xml file succeeded

apache error log:
/usr/sbin/apache2: symbol lookup error:
/usr/lib/php5/20090626+lfs/php_mapscript.so: undefined symbol:

No error in Firebug, except that the following GET runs forever:
Works well though if I run the link above in the browser:
{"searchJson":{"selectname": "findlist", "events":
"onchange=\"PM.Search.setSearchInput()\"", "options": {"0": "Search for",
"countries": "Country"}}, "action":"optionlist", "divelem":"1"}

config_default.xml and pmapper_demo.map attached.
MapServer version 6.0.3
PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2

Any idea what could be wrong on my setup?


On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 4:08 PM, Chris forum <bak.fo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all
> With a project running fine in pmapper 4.3.0, I am trying now to get demo
> pmapper5 beta2 working.
> Owner of /img/legend/ is www-data
> I have modified the mapfile accordingly (SHAPEPATH, FONTSET, SYMBOLSET,
> Vector demo data have been added at the right place, raster Shaded relief
> also. Blue Marble has been remove from the config_default.xml file.
> 900913 projection added to epsg file:
> <900913> +proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0
> +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +wktext  +no_defs <>
> When I run
> http://myserver/pmapper/pmapper500/?config=default&resetsession=ALL in
> Firefox, all I get is a blank map. Eventhough Countries, Cities and Rivers
> layers are selected in the TOC.
> OSM and Google sat are the only ones to work fine.
> I don't get any error from both php and mapserver error logs, while
> pm_debug.log is showing:
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
>  P.MAPPER-ERROR: RESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
> proper function of PDF print.
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
>  P.MAPPER-ERROR: DEFRESOLUTION tag not set to 96. This value is needed for
> proper function of PDF print.
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapMaxExtent:
>  Array
> (
>     [0] => -4000000
>     [1] => 3000000
>     [2] => 8000000
>     [3] => 12000000
> )
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:27] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapProjection:
>  EPSG:900913
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:29] P.MAPPER debug info
>  Validation of search.xml file succeeded
> [23-Jan-2013 15:03:29] P.MAPPER debug info
> x_setsessionvar.php, for sessionvar mapscale:
>  55468034.09273208
> I then checked the mapfile (pmapper_demo.map) alone, and I had to add an
> EXTENT to be able to load it:
> EXTENT -180 -90 180 90
> Unfortunately, that doesn't solve the problem in pmapper5.
> In Chrome, several small rose tiles are displayed, and when I inspect them
> (developper tool), I find a bigger tile above them:
> <img id="OpenLayersDiv206" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; position:
> relative; opacity: 0.3;" class="*olTileImage olImageLoadError*"
> src="lib/map/pmhighlight?&amp;width=1105&amp;height=732&amp;bbox=-8816145.2489599,338156.198789,12816145.24896,14661843.801211&amp;crs=EPSG%3A900913&amp;timestamp=13589532565">
> Any idea where the problem could be?
> Thanx,
> Chris
            <pmTitle>p.mapper - A MapServer PHP/MapScript Framework</pmTitle>

            <projection>EPSG:900913</projection> <!-- likely not needed... -->
                <category name="cat_admin" imgFormat="png32" olTheme="admin" buffer="0" themeType="PMTile">
                <category name="cat_osm" description="OSM">
                    <group olTheme="osmmapnik" name="osmmapnik" description="OpenStreetMap" themeType="OSM" ></group>                    

            <highlightColor>0 255 255</highlightColor>
                <thousandsSep>||</thousandsSep> <!-- 2 pipes "||" are used for a blank as separator-->
                <domain id="domain1"  description="First Domain" >
                <domain id="domain2"  description="Second Domain" state="open">
    <searchlist version="1.0">
        <searchitem name="countries" description="Country">
            <layer type="shape" name="countries">
                <field type="s" name="ISO_A2" description="Country" wildcard="2">
                    <definition type="options" connectiontype="ms" sort="asc" firstoption="*">
                        <mslayer encoding="ISO-8859-1" keyfield="ISO_A2" showfield="NAME"/>

Attachment: pmapper_demo.map
Description: Binary data

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