Hi all,

Have a strange problem with the Coordinates plugin, it works fine with 1
mapPrj and 2+ prj declared int the config file.
But if I only want to have 1 mapPrj and 1 prj, there is an alert message:
"Missing entries for plugin config. See PHP error log"

and  apache shows the following error:
[Tue Feb 12 13:21:04 2013] [error] [client] PHP Warning:
projectionObj::__construct(): [MapServer Error]: msProcessProjection():
proj error "projection not named" for "l"\n in
on line 13, referer:

My config file contains:
                <mapPrj name="CH1903" roundTo="0">
                <prj name="lat/lon WGS84" roundTo="6">

For a check, I have added the following debug in
/plugins/coordinates/x_coords.php, after $prjList = $prjCfg['prj']; (line27)
*throw(new Exception("prjList: " . count($prjList)));*

If I only keep  the mapPrj in the config file, apache error log shows:
Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'prjList: 0'

if I add one prj in the config file:
Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'prjList: *4*'

if I add two prj:
Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'prjList: 2'

three prj:
Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'prjList: 3'

Any idea why the prjlist is counting 4 instead of 1 projection?

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