Hi all,

I would like the"mapToolArea" div to be displayed in the "uiLayoutSouth" div
(class="ui-layout-south"), especially for the 'measure2' and 'drawing
(circle)' plugins. Now it shows up in the "ui-layout-center" div.
I hope it won't have any bad side effects.

In javascript/src/pm.init.js there is:
domElements: function() {

So I guess it is where to change the code. But the pm.init.js file is
merged with other JS into the single pm_cjs.js file, as stated in the user
manual, using the utils/compress_js.
I am not able to find this utility. Is it still available somewhere?

The manual also recommends to add any modifications into a separate JS
file, like /config/.../custom.js.
So I tried the following:
   //pm.init.js modification
   domElements: function() {

But without success... the"mapToolArea" div stays in the ui-layout-center.

Any tips would be much appreciated! : )

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