
I am using 

MapServer 4 Windows - version 3.0.6 on windows XP.

pmapper 4.3.1 - BUILD 2013-04-04

PHP 5.4.3 

MapServer CGI 6.0.3

I am using shapefiles for my project. The problem is that when i query text 
columns in the 

query editor, no record are selected. But, when I use numeric field queryeditor 
is working 


Log of numeric column giving no error:

[03-Jan-2014 07:39:45] P.MAPPER debug info 

Parameters for REQUEST array 

file: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery 



    [operation] => query

    [layername] => mogavill

    [layerType] => shape

    [query] => [AREA] new

    [externalSearchDefinition] => 1

    [mode] => search

    [layerName] => mogavill

    [firstFld] => AREA

    [qStr] => (([AREA]q_execAttributeQuery 



    [operation] => query

    [layername] => mogavill

    [layerType] => shape

    [query] => [VILLAGE_NA] LIKE 'M%'

    [selectMethode] => new

    [externalSearchDefinition] => 1

    [mode] => search

    [layerName] => mogavill

    [firstFld] => VILLAGE_NA

    [qStr] => (( "[VILLAGE_NA]" = /^M/))


Kindly provide a solution as it is urgent. I think the problem is with the 
query string, but 

not able to solve it.

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