
I've just committed small corrections in the query editor concerning 
text fields and operators like "contains", stard with", ... for SHP files.

Jose, your messages are not visible on pmapper the mailing list...


Le 01/10/2013 15:48, Thomas RAFFIN a écrit :
> Hi,
> Thanks for your contribution. Indeed I never use SHP files, so your
> corrections are welcome...
> Replies below...
> Le 01/10/2013 14:47, Sylvain Arabeyre a écrit :
>> Dear all,
>> While using the query editor plugin, I've came across some troubles. As I
>> am not sure whereas the problems I've encountered are related to the source
>> code or to my local installation, I send you the errors (and corrections
>> I've made) for anybody to evaluate if the source code must be modified or
>> not.
>> I run pmapper 4.3.1 on windows 7 and XP with the ms4W package (MS4W 3.0.6
>> with Mapserver 6.0.3).
> I think you should try MapServer 6.2.1 from here:
> http://www.maptools.org/dl/ms4w/ms4w_3.1.0-beta1.zip
>> First of all, I found out that when trying to query a field whith text, the
>> query wouldn't retrieve any results. I went to see the pm_debug.log (in
>> \ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\queryeditor\) and found out that
>> the query string which was passed to Mapserver was not correct.
>> Here is an example of what was on pm_debug.log:
>> [30-Sep-2013 19:32:34] P.MAPPER debug info
>> Parameters for REQUEST array
>> file: query.php->q_execAttributeQuery
>>    Array
>> (
>>       [PHPSESSID] => rdpo6s4e0ktp14a2uhr216lik7
>>       [operation] => query
>>       [layername] => Conduta
>>       [layerType] => shape
>>       [query] => [Material] ILIKE 'PVC'
>>       [selectMethode] => new
>>       [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>>       [mode] => search
>>       [layerName] => Conduta
>>       [firstFld] => MATERIAU
>>       [qStr] => (( "[MATERIAU]" ~ /^PVC$/))
>> )
>> What should have been passed to Mapserver is this:
>>    Array
>> (
>>       [PHPSESSID] => vq055tjimjg95k7ur1902839g5
>>       [operation] => query
>>       [layername] => Conduta
>>       [layerType] => shape
>>       [query] => [Material] ILIKE 'pvc'
>>       [selectMethode] => new
>>       [externalSearchDefinition] => 1
>>       [mode] => search
>>       [layerName] => Conduta
>>       [firstFld] => MATERIAU
>>       [qStr] => (( "[MATERIAU]" ~ 'pvc'))
>> )
>> Therefore, I changed the following in
>> "\ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\queryeditor\x_queryeditor.php":
>> $modifiedQueryTmp =
>> preg_replace("/([^\[]*)\[([^\]]*)\]\s*([^\s]*)\s*'([^']*[^\\\])'/", "$1
>> \"[$2]\" $3 /'$4'/", $modifiedQueryWithoutEOL); (around line 134 in my file)
>> to
>> $modifiedQueryTmp =
>> preg_replace("/([^\[]*)\[([^\]]*)\]\s*([^\s]*)\s*'([^']*[^\\\])'/", "$1
>> \"[$2]\" $3 '$4'", $modifiedQueryWithoutEOL);
>> so that the string that is passed to Mapserver is compliant with the
>> Mapserver expressions.
> OK, will be committed soon...
>> Another "error" I came across with was, again, related to the syntax and
>> the query string passed to Mapserver (it was not compliant with Mapserver
>> expressions) with the term "ILIKE".
>> Line 136 in x_queryeditor.php, I changed the following
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " =~ ", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> to
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " ~", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> This last one can also be changed to
>> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" ILIKE ", " =*", $modifiedQueryTmp);
> OK, will be committed soon...
>> Finally, I also had to modify the file
>> ms4w\apps\pmapper\pmapper-4.3.1\plugins\queryeditor\queryeditor.js also
>> because of errors related to the query string passed to Mapserver. Line
>> 393, I changed:
>> } else if (attrOperator == 'different') {
>> queryPartToAdd += ' <> ' + attrVal;"
>> to
>> } else if (attrOperator == 'different') {
>> queryPartToAdd += ' != ' + attrVal;
>> so that the string passed to Mapserver complies with Mapserver expressions
>> ie, to get "attribute value is different from value", Mapserver must
>> read "[ATTRIBUTE]!=VALUE" instead of "[ATTRIBUTE]<>VALUE".
> I've kept the previous code with the "!=" and added in the PHP something
> like that for SHP files :
> $modifiedQueryTmp = str_replace(" != ", " <> ", $modifiedQueryTmp);
>> I also made an optional change in queryeditordlg.phtml as I find more
>> "user-friendly" to have the symbol "≠" instead of "!=" for the user to read
>> "is different from". Line 148 in queryeditordlg.phtml, I changed
>> "<option label="!=" value="different">!=</option>"
>> to
>>    "<option label="&ne;" value="different">&ne;</option>"
>> This last one is not critical but I think, for people who are not used to
>> programming languages, it would make it easier for a common user to
>> understand the "≠" instead of "!="
> Of course, you're right!
>> Anybody knows if the changes I've made are related to my local installation
>> or if it's a code-related issue?Some people I know who are using pmapper
>> with ms4w have also encountered the same problems and solved them with the
>> suggestions I make in this post.
>> Best regards,
>> Sylvain Arabeyre.
> Thanks again.
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