Dear Fuadi

I've had the same problem, and it was because the point buffer in the XML
file is configured in metric units


You should change it to 0.1 or 0.5 (or whatever your choice is) so it is in
degrees units


Hope this would help you



On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Dedy Fuadi <> wrote:

> Hello Armin, hello all pmappper-user.
> This is my mapserver and pmapper details :
> PHP- 5.4.3
> MapServer version 6.0.3 (MS4W 3.0.6)
> phpPgAdmin 5.1
> PostgreSQL 8.4.21
> pmapper-4.3.2
> Problem:
> When I was tried to using search function on pmapper, the javascript was
> completely success and displayed row that's I want.
> But, when I look at URL that produces by javascript (PM.Map.zoom2extent
> function), I got strange allextent for this query especially for
> projection. I used WGS84 projection with EPSG:4326. As we knew, for this
> projection we only have degrees about 0-90 for lat and 0-180 for lon. At
> URL javascript produces, I got :
> javascript:PM.Map.zoom2extent('apt_geo','5','-9882.3327778+-9995.863611111+10117.6672222+10004.136388889','1')
> What should I do for fix or set allextent auto adapted selected data when I
> using search query?
> I hope for all of your advise,
> Thank you.
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