
Do you think this is possible just configuring the search in the 
config_xxx.xml? I've tried several ways, but without success.


Best regards,

----- Mensagem original -----
> DE: Pedro 
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a search of type suggest, that search multiple columns 
> of a PostGIS layer, at the same time.
> For example,
> col1 | col2
> a | b
> c | d
> e | f
> ...
> I tried this:
> <searchitem name="n_casas" description="Casas">
>     <layer type="postgis" name="tipo">
>         <field type="s" name="col1" 
> alias="nomes" description="Nome" wildcard="0" 
> operator="OR">
>             <definition type="suggest" 
> connectiontype="db" minlength="0" sort="asc">
>                 <dsn 
> encoding="UTF-8">pgsql://xxx:xxx@localhost/cartografia</dsn>
>                 <sql>SELECT DISTINCT col1 FROM xxx.casas WHERE col1 ~* 
> '[search]' ORDER BY col1</sql>
>             </definition>
>         </field> 
>         <field type="s" name="col2" 
> alias="nomes" operator="OR">
>             <definition type="suggest" 
> connectiontype="db" minlength="0" sort="asc">
>                 <dsn 
> encoding="UTF-8">pgsql://xxx:xxx@localhost/cartografia</dsn>
>                 <sql>SELECT DISTINCT col2 FROM xxx.casas WHERE col2 ~* 
> '[search]' ORDER BY col2</sql>
>             </definition>
>         </field> 
>     </layer>
> </searchitem>
> This way I can search and get the correct result. However, two fields are 
> displayed to do the search (image attached), and I want to just get one 
> field, 
> where it does the search for the values ​​of the two columns (col1 and col2).
> Any suggestions?
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Pedro

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