Peter Bowers writes:
So is there something else going on in my configuration that makes it so without $EnablePathInfo it goes to my default page?

(Example: <URL: n=Test.Form> -- I think I've left it with $EnablePathInfo=1 right now...)

This page works for me as expected - I added a form with method=post, and another form with action={$ScriptUrl}?n={$FullName}. Both work, and the latter should behave exactly like when $EnablePathInfo is not set.

When I submit the forms, I land on the same page.

Note that the very first form action in the page is not correct, there is no such url Test.Form -- a browser interprets this as a file in the same directory as the current one -- before the last "/" in the URL, so it attempts to go to

I see that PITS.PITS uses action=$PageUrl, but this seems not to work on systems not using $EnablePathInfo...

(:input form action={$PageUrl}:) works on my home server, the posted form lands on the same WikiSandbox page and not on Main.HomePage.

Do you have $EnablePathInfo=1 or not?

No, I don't.


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