[Sorry if this messes up threads, I somehow accidentally deleted your message.]


Thanks for your message.

I've looked briefly at the install script, and I have two questions:

Is there a reason to rename the "uploads" directory to "images"?

Do I understand correctly that the script expects the administrator to select a directory (or to be in one) which is inside the server's document root without verifying this?


I've created a PmWiki package for Debian which installs PmWiki as
a WikiFarm. Partly I decided to do it this way because that's how
I personally use PmWiki, and partly I did so because I wanted to
give others a universal way to make as many websites / fields as
desired without having multiple installations of the software.

To make setting up a new "field" a little easier for users/admins
I've created a pmwiki-newfield script and a man page for it.

I'm looking for some initial feedback on the package from PmWiki
developers to see if there are aspects that I may not have
considered before looking for a Debian developer to sponsor the

Direct link to the Debian package:


If it's desired to load this onto a server from a signed
repository, look here:


And the package is also on mentors.debian.net here:


Thanks much.

  -- Chris

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