Just a follow up on the resolution of this.
I tried to use notepad++ to find files with a BOM.
I had two.
The problem was not resolved.
As I run on Windows it wasn't until I updated a linux/apache website that I
received an error message alerting me to the fact that a php file from
another recipe I had downloaded also was in unicode (but with no BOM).
Converting this to ASCII got rid of a whole lot of pain for me.


PS I also uploaded a new ascii version saved version (new version date) of
the recipe.


On 12 November 2015 at 19:45, Simon <nzsk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thankyou very much
> I use Notepad++ <https://notepad-plus-plus.org/>,
> I see it shows encoding as
> [image: Inline images 1]
> I'll change theencoding to ANSI
> I'll work through my (own) recipe files, ad you suggest
> Simon
> On 11 November 2015 at 22:32, Petko Yotov <5...@5ko.fr> wrote:
>> Your site is in the ISO-8859-1 encoding but the skin template is saved
>> with a Unicode Byte Order Mark <U+FEFF> and the browsers cannot display the
>> pages properly. It is also likely that they cannot save the pages properly,
>> and that the currently saved pages with diacritic characters may need to be
>> re-edited (The typed characters that appear correctly are in UTF-8 not in
>> ISO because your browser sent them this way; those generated by PmWiki are
>> in ISO).
>> Open the skin template in a text editor and save it in the ISO-8859-1
>> encoding (or charset). With some editors you can select the encoding in the
>> File-SaveAs dialog box. In others it may be in the Tools-Encoding or in the
>> View menus.
>> Also make sure you don't have a Byte Order Mark selected/checked. This
>> usually applies when you edit Unicode/UTF-8 files. On my editor (Kate) in
>> the menu Tools there shouldn't be a checkbox at "Add Byte Order Mark
>> (BOM)". On others there may be a checkbox in the File-SaveAs menu, or there
>> may be an option "Unicode UTF-8 without BOM".
>> The same applies to any other files you save, especially PHP files.
>> Actually, it is even possible that one of your PHP files is saved in
>> UTF-8 with BOM, and it displays the BOM before the skin is loaded. Check
>> all recipes and local PHP files.
>> Start by the skin then by the recipes you installed or upgraded recently.
>> Petko
>> ---
>> Change log     :  http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/ChangeLog
>> Release notes  :  http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/ReleaseNotes
>> If you upgrade :  http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/Upgrades
>> On 2015-11-11 09:23, Simon wrote:
>>> I have a group "Siân", with corresponding files in wiki.d on disk. All
>>> good.
>>> PmWiki shows the link as /Si%c3N/HomePage
>>> and the link as not existing?
>>> Any ideas why, this happened with a recent version of PmWiki, it used to
>>> work just fine.
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