Thanks  Marc,
as a nonPHP user I thought there is some new feature allowing
to split i.e. (:pagelist......:) directive to more lines.
So that is not this, pitty.


marc napsal(a):
> Jiri Hladuvka / OBUTEX said...
>> Hi all,
>> in
>> stays in Version 2.2.0-beta22
>> * Allow multiple lines for markup:, wiki:, and page: template directives
>> (reported by Marc)
>> I tried to find more info in PITS and could not find any contribution
>> from Marc
>> nor a link in his Profiles page.
>> Can someone to send me the link where I can learn more ?
> Hi Jiri, Marc here :-) This was discussed in the thread "skin template 
> <!markup problem". There are a few related threads here and on 
> pmwiki.devel where I've been thrashing around trying to solve a problem 
> where (:noaction:) doesn't take affect on PmWiki pseudo-include pages - 
> such as, login, search, uploads (probably) and so on.
> Finally, I decided to move the problem (or, at least, its solution) into 
> the template and use <!markup to control the appearance of the 
> PageActions. But I then promptly fell over another problem. Pm 
> simultaneously announced it as a bug and that it had been fixed, so PITS 
> was bypassed.

OBUTEX s.r.o
Ing.Jiří Hladůvka
Zlatovská 22
911 01 Trenčín

tel.: +421 (0)32 6587000

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