On Thu, 18 Jan 2007, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Thu, Jan 18, 2007 at 04:17:07PM -0500, Henrik wrote:
   Re [[<<]]

   FWIW I use:

   (:block-divider:) and (:block-spacer:) directives

I hadn't really thought about using directives, but that's
definitely a possibility.

I was going to suggest one of:

        [[\\]]          (similar to \\, but not the same)
        (:nl:)          (maybe already taken for something?)
        (:clear=all:), (:clear=both:), (:clear=left:), (:clear=right:)

...there are times when someone might want to specify a line break directly in the middle of a markup line.

I often want to do that inside table cells.

But I think that nowadays the only time that [[<<]] is used is to skip below any floating elements. Perhaps a wikistyle would serve the same purpose-- i.e. %clear% would cause the current block to appear below any floating content?

   %rfloat% Attach:floatingimage.jpg
   This text appears to the left
   of the floating image.

   %clear% This text appears below the floating image.

Shouldn't that be %clear=all%, possibly with %clear% as shorthand for %clear=all%? (Aren't there several options?)


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
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