I'm in favour of turning it off. Never use it, never will...

- Henrik

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> Lately I've been giving serious thought to turning
> off all wikiword parsing by default in the core, and
> would like feedback.
> Here's the background and history.  Prior to version 2.1,
> PmWiki had wikiwords enabled in the core by default,
> such that any CamelCase word would be automatically
> treated as a link to another page.  There was an
> option to disable wikiword linking, however.
> Starting with version 2.1, we switched the core
> default so that wikiwords would not automatically
> be treated as links to other pages.  Sites that wanted
> to have wikiword links enabled simply set
>     $LinkWikiWords = 1;
> However, even for sites that don't enable wikiword links,
> PmWiki still parses wikiwords in the source markup, and 
> surrounds them with <span class='wikiword'>...</span> in 
> the output.  This is intended to make it easier for sites
> to find older wikiword links that may no longer work
> when $LinkWikiWords is turned off.
> Unfortunately, this additional parsing and output step
> sometimes interferes with wikiwords that naturally
> occur in other instances (e.g., character entities
> such as "&AElig;" or colors such as "#FFFF00").  Since
> most site generally don't visually distinguish wikiwords
> from surrounding text, it's not at all obvious what is
> happening.
> So, I'm thinking that now would be a good time to have
> all wikiword parsing disabled by default in the core.
> For sites that are still using wikiword links, the
> $LinkWikiWords = 1; setting would still enable wikiword
> parsing and linking, same as it does now.  Sites that
> want exactly the current 2.1 behavior, where wikiwords
> are parsed and tagged but not linked, would do:
>     $LinkWikiWords = 0;
>     include_once("$FarmD/scripts/wikiwords.php");
> Defaulting PmWiki to not parsing wikiwords by default
> would clean up a number of confusing issues for authors,
> as well as potentially reduce the time needed to render
> pages (the markup rule used to find/process wikiword
> links can be a little slow, and not needed for sites that
> aren't doing anything with wikiwords).
> Any comments, either for, against, or otherwise?
> Thanks,
> Pm
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Henrik Bechmann
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