Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 5:56:13 PM, Patrick wrote:

> I've now re-done the search results on a bit.  
> Any matching pages in the PmWiki, Cookbook, PITS, and Site groups
> are displayed first (in that order), followed by pages in other 
> groups on the wiki (in alphabetical order).

> Each matching page has any $:Summary value displayed after it.

> See if that improves searching on for a bit.
> I'd also be interested in seeing any proposals for alternate
> output templates that we might want to adopt instead.

This is a lot better! Thanks!

What I would love in addition is a switch (radio button) to search for
the search term only in the page name, i.e. as:
"searchterm" is treated as "name=*searchterm*" if the radio button is
selected, otherwise the searchterm is looked for everywhere.


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