Am 04.02.2007 um 16:09 schrieb Patrick R. Michaud:

> On Sat, Feb 03, 2007 at 11:58:05PM -0500, Neil Herber (nospam) wrote:
>> What about this off-the-wall idea?
>> working.d/           # top-level writable directory
>>        wiki.d/         # page file storage
>>        temp.d/         # temporary/work files
> I'm half-wondering if we should call it something like
>     writeable-private/
>         wiki.d/
>         temp.d/
> It makes it very clear what the directory is for, with the
> downside of being a really long directory name.
> Pm

To me the word "private" suggests something that can not be seen by  
others... now i am just writing what comes off the top of my head,  
and how i would describe the wiki.d and temp dir to someone else:

* pages
* content
* written by pmwiki/webserver
* webpages
* wikipages
* files of pages
* source of pages
* webtext

and for temp:
* cache
* resources
* temporary files
* index files
* dynamic
* serverinfo

Maybe this is helpful.

Best Regards,


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