On Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 11:37:53AM -0500, Pierre Racine wrote:
>    Hi list,
>    is "function IncludeText($pagename, $inclspec)" documented somewhere?
>    I want to read template string enclosed between [[#templatename]] and
>    [[#templatenameend]] similar to the one in PageListTemplates. I fill that
>    IncludeText is the right function to do this but I can't figure what
>    are its arguments...

Actually, this particular capability (grab a template enclosed between
two anchors) is expected to become its own function, which 
pagelist templates and include will use.

In the meantime, the arguments to IncludeText are

    $pagename -- the current page
    $inclspec -- the specification for the include (i.e., it's the
      argument to the (:include ...:) directive)

Thus, calling

    IncludeText("Group.Page", "ABC#def#ghi")

would return the text between the [[#def]] and [[#ghi]]
anchors on page Group.ABC.


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