On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 01:20:37PM +1100, The Editor wrote:
> On 2/15/07, Kathryn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 09:50:38AM +1100, The Editor wrote:
> > > On 2/14/07, Kathryn Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I thought the group-prefixing stuff was done with the :: markup?
> > > > How can it distinguish between when you want a prefix and when you
> > > > don't?


> > And the normal PmWiki processing will then interpret the {$PageVariable}
> > markup; no extra processing involved, and Cluster doesn't have to
> > interpret ':' markup.
> As noted earlier it could be done separately.  Just less efficient.
Doing it as ROS plus page-variables isn't less efficient, since PmWiki
does the parsing, as it would be doing anyway.  Doing it as extra
processing of link markup (as you were doing in Hg) is less efficient.

Though PM would probably be the best one to know how much various pieces
of code might slow down the PmWiki engine...

> > > But then again, what would be the disadvantage of making cluster able
> > > to handle either kind of url automatically?  Wouldn't that be easier?
> >
> > The disadvantage is that it makes Cluster harder to maintain and debug.
> > I really don't want to have to deal with changing URLs.
> Understood.  But Cluster wouldn't have to change urls.  It's just
> about being smart enough to READ either kind of url.

But what's the difference between having SpecialResolvePageName function
in one included PHP file or another included PHP file?  It certainly
wouldn't be any more efficient.  It would be LESS efficient, since it
would require me to write a SpecialResolvePageName function (to read the
special-urls) and for you to write a SpecialResolvePageName function to
do the same.  No gain in efficiency whatsoever.  It is *more* efficient
to keep them separate.
> > See above.  I think they can both be done as independent recipes, and it
> > certainly would be easier for me that way.
> I suppose that's the way some programmers think.  Lot's of little
> widgets you hobble together to make what you want. I prefer something
> a bit more integrated, especially if it improves efficiency.

There's program efficiency, and programmer efficiency. As a professional
programmer with 18 years experience, I know which one works better in
the long term...

> Keeps my work as a web admin simpler. So if you don't feel inclined to
> accommodate more flexibility into Cluster maybe Hg should stick around
> for awhile.

It isn't "flexibility", it's adding features that aren't needed.

>  Some may appreciate the added functionality.  I know I
> will be wanting it for my site--both clean urls and prefixing. So I
> might as well keep it available to others.
> Thanks for all the improvements you've brought in.  Some great ideas.
> I'll make an effort to incorporate some of them into Hg when I get
> back home from this round of travels.  Definitely the hyphen linking
> and probably the group titles (though I'm not sure I will use them).
> The sidebars?  Not convinced. :)

I still think it's better to turn Hg into something that doesn't have
the same features as Cluster, since it seems silly to duplicate the

Especially the link-prefix stuff, which many people may want without
having to have the "pseudo hierarchical groups" stuff along with it.
I really think that belongs in a recipe of its own.
> One good thing, if we must have two recipes, is that both Hg and
> Cluster use the same syntax for linking and the same underlying
> approach to hierarchical groups--so we won't be confusing people
> between the two.  And it seems people should be able to swap either
> recipe interchangeably with no loss of shared funtionality.  That's a
> positive for PmWiki.

Yes, I deliberately made the link shortcuts and $gN variables the same,
for that reason.

Kathryn Andersen
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