On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 09:18:25AM +0100, Jiri Hladůvka / OBUTEX wrote:
> I have a lot of recipes installed but only 4 lines are displayed by 
> RecipeUpdates recipe.
> Maybe I have old recipes (not having version identification) while there 
> is the newer version
> in PmWiki.org already equipped with version info.
> Is it possible to list as well the recipes which are
> in the site/cookbook/ directory and make  notes like
> - "recipe is included/not included in local configuration files"
> - "no version info in local copy"
> - "no version info in PmWiki.org copy"
> - "no copy  in PmWiki.org "

While we can list any scripts that appear in the cookbook/
directory, figuring out much more than that may take some
cleverness or a fair bit of work.  At minimum I think we'd
have to require that each cookbook page list the cookbook/
files that are commonly associated with the recipe, and
then the recipeupdates.php script would have match those
lists with whatever files happen to be in the cookbook/
directory to try to figure out what is what.

And if a script in cookbook/ hasn't been loaded by the
local configuration, we don't yet have a way to be able
to determine any version information for that script.


> Patrick R. Michaud napsal(a):
> >Over time many people have asked for a way to keep track of
> >when new versions of recipes become available on pmwiki.org .
> >
> >I'm pleased to announce that I've put together a prototype
> >of this capability -- now available from
> >
> >    http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/PmWiki/SiteAnalyzer
> >    http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Cookbook/RecipeUpdates
> >
> >Both of these pages do the same thing (identify new versions
> >of available recipes), but differ slightly in the approach used.
> >
> >The Cookbook.RecipeUpdates is a traditional cookbook recipe 
> >approach; the admin installs a recipeupdates.php script that 
> >provides a custom ?action=recipeupdates.  This action
> >fetches the latest recipe list from pmwiki.org and displays
> >a table comparing installed recipe versions against the
> >pmwiki.org ones.
> >
> >However, the recipeupdates.php script requires that PHP be configured
> >to allow url fopens, and many web hosting providers have this
> >capability turned off as a security precaution.
> >
> >So, another method is to use the PmWiki.SiteAnalyzer page.
> >The PmWiki site analyzer will fetch information from a PmWiki
> >site (including any installed recipes) and then report on
> >any newer versions of recipes that may be available.
> >
> >This is a new and somewhat experimental feature, so there
> >may be a few quirks that need to be worked out yet.  Also,
> >some recipes (especially older ones) haven't provided
> >the information needed to report version differences.
> >But hopefully this will be a start in the right direction.
> >
> >Comments, questions, and suggestions welcomed as always.
> >Thanks!
> >
> >Pm

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