Hello All,

using a wrapper script from one directory below pmwiki, I find that 
PmWiki gets ScriptUrl automatically, but not PubDirUrl.

In detail: I use a file "wiki" with the content
"<?php chdir('pmwiki'); include_once('pmwiki.php');"
and a .htaccess containing
<Files wiki>
  ForceType application/x-httpd-php

Besides this, I use $EnablePathInfo = 1; (more on this later).

The resulting URLs look nice enough for me to drop any thought about 
URL rewriting.

I don't need to set $ScriptUrl - PmWiki makes the right guess.

But I need to set $PubDirUrl!

Since the files are accessed by different URLs, I don't want to set a 
fixed PubDirUrl - it should stay at least relative to ScriptUrl.

Any way to do this?


Oliver Betz, Muenchen

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