On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 11:58:51PM +0000, Keith Edmunds wrote:
> I'm new to pmwiki, so apologies if this is a naive question.
> I'm considering using pmwiki as a CMS, and have read the recipes about
> doing so. One feature I want is for there to be a consistent menu for
> all authenticated users, but for the actual page linked to for each
> menu item to be unique per group of users. For example, there might be
> a 'my page' link for all authenticated users, but the page displayed
> will depend on which user is logged in.
> I think I can do that with groups, and I also think that I can prevent
> users in group X seeing the 'my page' page for group Y - is that
> correct?
> My real question, however, is can I set up a default group for each
> user, so that when I display the menu, I can say "this is user Smith,
> who has a default group is X, therefore the destination for the
> menu item 'my page' is X/mypage"? Or maybe at authentication I should
> make the default group (for user Smith) be X - is that straightforward
> to do (and sensible)?

Okay, there are a few requirements here, so far as I understand:
(a) each user has their own private group (or is it just sufficient that
each user have their own private page?)
(b) the normal menu should contain a link to MyGroup/MyPage
(c) Smith cannot see (read) anything in the group which belongs to Jones

Okay.  All of the above will need user-based authentication (rather than
password-based), especially part (c).  I suggest AuthUser because it's
in the core, and is better-supported.
So, say, Smith would have a login id of 'smith', and Jones would have a
login id of 'jones'.

To solve (a) and (b), I think the easiest thing would be to have a
page-variable which creates a group-name based on the $AuthId (login id)
of the user.

$FmtPv['$MyGroup'] = ... (some function to convert $AuthId into a group
name -- sorry, I don't have time to write one right now)

Then you could put, in your menu:


Then for Smith, it would point to Smith's group (whatever it was;
perhaps the simplest version would be converting "smith" to "Smith") and
for Jones, it would be Jones, and so on.  Depending on the function you
write, perhaps you would call them SmithGroup and JonesGroup --

To prevent Smith from reading JonesGroup, you would then create
JonesGroup.GroupAttributes, and set the "read" permission to 


Then only Jones could read JonesGroup.

Or, if you wanted to make it so that only Jones could *edit* pages in
JonesGroup, you would set the edit permission (rather than the read

Kathryn Andersen
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