Hello everybody,

I have successfully installed BlogSimple2beta with the extension
commentboxplus and I am using Categories.

Now I have special question:
I want to create and maintain a blog for every user.

I created a new variable in config.php after successfull login with
AuthUser like this:
$FmtPV['$BlogAuthor2'] = 'Blog'.ucfirst($AuthId);
which generates a variable for every user like this: BlogSiegfried
if the login is Siegfried

In the SideBar menu I was able to install a new menu point:

* [[Main/{$BlogAuthor2}|Blog $BlogAuthor]]

And in this file I have put the pagelist for this user:

(:pagelist $:{$BlogAuthor2}=1 list=blog order=-ctime fmt=#recentblog count=15:)

which produces the blog listing for the author.

My problem is now with the commentplusbox, which will be included
with Site.SiteFooter in every blog page to have commenting abilities:

(:if equal {*$:Blog} 1:)
(:div2 class=blogpost-comments:)
(:if expr exists PostComments.{*$Group}-{*$Name} && equal {*$:Blog} 1:)
Comments:(:if equal {*$:Blog} 1:)
(:include PostComments.{*$Group}-{*$Name}:)
!!! Add a Comment
(:div3 class=blogpost-commentbox:)
(:commentboxchrono PostComments.{*$Group}-{*$Name}:)

How can I change this from using Blog to using my varialbe
$BlogAuthor2 to create the comments for this user?
I have tried different thinks, but have not found the right syntax for this.

Any help is appreciated.

Siegfried Hirsch

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