On Tue, Mar 06, 2007 at 01:47:47AM +0100, Jan Erik Mostr??m wrote:
> Reply to Tegan Dowling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 07-03-05 18:02:
> >Did the DocumentationIndex actually fail you in that regard (if so,
> >how?), or did it not appear to be a candidate for that kind of reading
> >(if not, why not?)
> The DocumentationIndex is an excellent source of information 
> which I'm starting to find my way around. If you know what 
> you're looking for it's very good but as an overview for a 
> newbie it didn't work for me.
> One problem with a hyperlike structure is that it's hyperlinked, 
> this is good if you know the "space" but if you're trying to 
> figure out something for the first time a linear "story telling" 
> approach works better ... at least for me.

I'm still confused as to why it isn't possible to read the
DocumentationIndex "linearly".

 Table of Contents

    * Beginner Topics for Creating/Editing Pages
    * Intermediate Editing Topics
    * Wiki Structures: Organizing and Protecting Pages
    * PmWiki Site Administration
    * About PmWiki

Wouldn't one just start with the Beginner topics, go on to
the Intermediate topics, and so on?
What is *wrong* with it?  Are the Beginner topics too advanced?
Conversely, is there a lack of "advanced" topics?
Or is it that it is more of a reference than a tutorial?

Kathryn Andersen
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