On 3/7/07, SteP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've noticed some problems using the ZAP create page command with PmWiki
> 2.2.0.beta35. ZAP seems to make no attempt to format a page name field
> value into a valid PmWiki page name, which results in the creation of page
> names that (:pagelist:) will not list at all.
> For instance, running ZAP's Snippets.Create source on my site with an
> input of "a b c" creates a page named "a b c" while for comparison the
> newpageboxplus recipe creates a page names "ABC" given the same input.
> Perhaps there's a way to tell ZAP to reformat the page name automatically,
> but what is it?

Yes, that should be easy enough... I use ZAP's conditional testing and
built in pagefmt conditional to verify proper format, but perhaps it
should be done automatically.  I can't really think of any reason one
wouldn't want a valid page name...

I'm in the process of making some revisions to ZAP and will try to
remember to incorporate that change.

> Another problem I have is that if I place a ZAP form that creates
> Group.Page in the same page with (:pagelist group=Group:) ZAP does create
> the page but (:pagelist:) shows its link with a question mark, as if the
> page didn't exist. For comparison, this doesn't happen when newpageboxplus
> is used to create Group.page. Any ideas why?

If you try to reload the same page ZAP uses HandleBrowse() rather than
Redirect() when you submit the form.  Evidently HandleBrowse does not
refresh the pagelist cache.  I've used passdata to modify the url and
trick ZAP into doing Redirect() but this might be another change to
make.  However, if I do that, it might affect the messaging system in
ZAP.  Does anyone know if messages are still available when you use
Redirect() rather than HandleBrowse()?


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