On 3/8/07, [] Jamie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hi Dan,
>  I'm not sure I entirely understand how HG works. I have a few questions
> that are probably easily answered:
>  1. The recipe seems to be suggesting that I need independent config files
> for each section, is this correct?

No, just where you might want to change the settings. But with
Hg/Cluster, changes you make in group Name are used in group
Name-Address and Name-Address-Telephone

>  2. For beginner PHP programmers like myself there isn't an example of how
> the variables in the config file should look. Is my config file correct with
> this:
>  include_once('cookbook/hg.php');
>  $hgseparator='-';
>  $hgmaxlevels='7';
>  $hgcleanurls='false';  should be $hgcleanurls=false;
>  $hglinkprefix='none';  should be $hglinkprefix='';
>  $hgprefixcode='Hg';

Actually these are all the default settings.  You only add these lines
if you want to change a default setting.  For example if you want to
turn on cleanurls you would only add $hgcleanurls=true;

>  3. I've set my seperator to be '-'. However if I try and create the page
> Name-Address-Telephone, PMWiki comes back with "
> PmWiki can't process your request
> ?invalid page name
> We are sorry for any inconvenience."

Thats because Hg only makes the groups hierarchical.  You still need a
page name.  For exmaple:  Name-Address-Telephone.Bob should work.

> I'm not sure where on my page I should be placing the relevant code to
> display the page name, broken up with the seperator.

Not sure what you mean.  To make a link to the above page, you just do
it like normal:


What Hg does is make things like groupheaders/footers, attributes,
config settings, css, sidebars, etc all configurable.

Hope this helps...


PS.  I posted back to the maillist in case others have the same question...

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