On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 08:06:57AM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >Also, if anyone is interested in advertising on prime real estate for 
> >the pmwiki.org site (such as the PmWiki home page), I'm open to discuss 
> >it.  Currently the pmwiki.org home page receives on the order of 700 
> >pageviews per day (according to Google Analytics).
> At first I thought "only 700", but then I noticed it was only the home 
> page. Out of curiosity though... do you think Google Analytics is able to 
> reliably recognize humans from bots etc?

Sure.  Google Analytics works via a small snippet of javascript
on each page that causes browsers to issue requests back to Google's
site (which Google then counts).  Since most bots don't parse or
evaluate the javascript, only "real" browsers tend to get counted.

> As a side note, I often go to pmwiki.org when looking for documentation, 
> so some of these visits might be people lik me. 

Sure.  Analytics says that 35% arrive via Google search, and 17%
arrive directly.  

> So out of further 
> curiosity, do you have any statistics for a page that's likely to be 
> visited by someone interested in learning more about pmwiki? (I looked at 
> the home page and couldn't find a single obvious link of where to go for 
> learning more about pmwiki - maybe you should have such a page?)

For February, the most visited sections were the Cookbook and PmWiki
groups (203,282 and 93,896 pageviews respectively).  You're correct
that there's not a single obvious link that would catch newcomers...
I'll add one if I can find an appropriate place for it.


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