Francis Casson wrote:

On 11/03/07, Dr Fred C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a way to change the minor edit box into a 'notify list'
selection box?  Only when it's clicked would the notify procedure be
activated.   Ideally, it would seem that this ought to be some sort of
toggle in the config file for a variable of something like Edit select
box -- 0=don't use, 1=minor edit 2=notify list.

You could also try

if ( @$_POST['diffclass'] != 'minor' ) $EnableNotify=1;

in your config.php (but I haven't tested this as I don't use Notify.)

This way, only 'major' edits send notify messages, but it doesn't let you select minor edits separately from the notify option - to do that you'd need to add another checkbox to the edit form and (I think) a handler from the extra returned form data. You can set minor edits to be the default by setting (:input e_minorcheckbox checked=1:) on the edit form.

If you want minor edits and not major edits to send the message then you would use

if ( @$_POST['diffclass'] == 'minor' ) $EnableNotify=1;

So using your second suggestion, all it seems one would need to get it to fully work as I want is find the text in the edit box that says 'this is a minor edit' and change it to "Notify the Email List".  Anyone know where that text is located?

I suppose ideally, the 'minor edit' check box text should be made a variable that one could set in some sort of site.setup file or local config to whatever one wanted.  Perhaps it already is? 

Always, Dr Fred C

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