--- Hans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Friday, March 9, 2007, 7:25:30 AM, SteP wrote:
> >   text before (:pagelist fmt=#online count=1:)
> text after
> > should be
> >   text before PageName text after 
> pagelist output obtained with PagelistTemplates have
> an outer containing division.
> Look at the HTML source of your page to see.
> Divs are block elements, and not inline elements.

This div issue has come up many times on the list, how
about adding a pagelist option that would prevent the
divs from being added?  

 (:pagelist nodiv:)  

This makes a lot more sense now that options can be
defined in the template with something like:

 (:template default nodiv:)

This would open up a whole range of new possible


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