> > 5) The idea a wiki is better than a forum is also nonsense.  If you
> > read my post, I suggested we do one in PmWiki.  We can keep it as
> > editable as we want, so if info needs to be changed, you just change
> > it.  Delete a thread.  Add a comment.  Whatever you want.  With all
> > the bright thinkers on this list we should be able to come up with
> > something!
> Strong words there!  I dare you to justify this bald assertion.
> You say that we haven't proven that the mailing list is good, well, you
> haven't proven in any way that a forum is good.

Oops.  I think you misread what I meant by this. I was only saying,
the forum would itself still be a wiki. (PmWiki of course). So you
don't lose any benefits of a wiki by making it organized a little
more.  I'm all for wikis!  The advantage I see to a forum (FAQ system)
is that it can be somewhat structured--to help control the flow of
information, and to make things more readily retrievable. At least
better than the current FAQ page.


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