"The Editor" wrote:


>Sorry about being kind of ignorant of news readers.  But can someone
>suggest a good newsreader, and how exactly to get it set up.  I think

Which OS? Windows: Forte (Free) Agent, 40tude Dialog, Opera M2,
Mozilla/Thunderbird, Xnews + local news server (e.g. Hamster) and many
more. It's a matter of taste.

>that's probably why some are satisfied with the mailing list.
>Otherwise, the archives are near to worthless.

Before I switched to Gmane, I have been reading the list with my mail
client (Pegasus Mail), and it's search capabitities were sufficient.

>Currently I use Gmail to store all my pmwiki mail and use its search
>features with threads,

So you depend on Gmail. You have no byckup under your control.

> but I would like a better way to organize
>topics and save favorite emails.  Hadn't thought about labels.  Maybe
>a real email client....

The programs listed above (but AFAIK not Xnews) are also nice mail


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