"Kathryn Andersen" wrote :

> PmWiki only has a two-level hierarchy.  This is a design decision, not
> an oversight.
> But you would have groups like:
> Sales
> Sales-Process
> Sales-Programs
> And pages such as
> Sales-Process.EvaluationSoftware

ok, let's keep this two-level hierarchy and let's assume we don't want to 
change it to minimize the impact on pmwiki.
what I'm talking about is more about the way the menu is displayed.

Let's consider that in my example 
http://jamanga.free.fr/confluence/Pagetree.PNG, I would have a group called 
"Sales" and 4 pages that all belong to this group :
- Sales.Sales
- Sales.Process
- Sales.EvaluationForm
- Sales.Programs

Whith this approach, we do not change the two-level hierarchy and we only 
need to find a way how to define the menu & submenu & subsubmenu
maybe something  like ... ie :

* [[Main/HomePage]]
* [[Sales/Sales]]
   - [[Sales/Process]]
      -- [[Sales/EvaluationForm]]
   - [[Sales/Programs]]

I'm sure this is realistic and it would be a huge benefit for end-users & 
developpers !
and the only work to do would be to develop a script to read the new sidebar 
syntax ?
Can someone confirm ?


Stéphane Heckel

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