On Mon, Mar 26, 2007 at 06:48:06AM +0100, marc wrote:
> However, I am concerned that this is the thin end of the wedge for 
> complete removal, and the comments of others has made me more than a 
> little nervous about where PmWiki is heading.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of any feature we've ever
"completely removed" a feature from PmWiki's core.

Even in the case of WikiWords, which started out as a core feature
(always enabled) in PmWiki but are now completely disabled by default, 
the option still exists in the core to re-enable WikiWords with
a single configuration variable ($EnableWikiWords).

So, rest assured that the option to have leading whitespace produce
preformatted text will remain in the core, if for no other reason
than because I use it on my sites, and because there are a lot of
people coming from the MediaWiki world who also expect the behavior.  
(Perl's POD format also uses leading spaces for preformatted text.)

> > > To me, this is a solution looking for a problem. I'm completely 
> > > unconvinced that the change is necessary.
> > 
> > Fair enough.  I've had a lot of experience with people being
> > confused by the leading whitespace rule, and confusion is
> > often an indication that a change is necessary.
> It's also often about education. However, when folk are unwilling - or 
> unable - to accept the needs of others (or facts), then they sometimes 
> appeal to change, often subjectively - although, thankfully, you've 
> provided a reason that seemed to elude some others.

I think unwilling/unable works both ways.  The leading whitespace rule has 
long caused confusion for authors and admins.  And, like the linebreaks
versus nolinebreaks default, there are many on each "side" who just
can't accept the reasons given by the other side.

In this particular case, you're quite correct that there are a lot of
people who need and use the existing rule -- that's why it's in PmWiki 
in the first place.  But it's also the case that I would have never
proposed changing the default if there weren't a large number of admins
for whom the existing rule is causing a lot of grief.  

In short, just as with WikiWord defaults, the fact that I'm even
proposing to change a core default -- which I *really* don't like 
doing -- is an indication that I'm seeing an overwhelming need in 
the other direction.  If it were simple parity, that would argue
in favor of keeping the existing behavior.  :-)



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