On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 11:33:55AM +0200, Benoit Dutilleul wrote:
>    Dear all,
>    I've defined a pagelist template to output the number of entries of a
>    query.
>    [[#PageCount]]
>    (:if equal {>$Group}:){$$PageCount}(:ifend:)
>    [[#PageCountend]]
>    However, when I use it, I have an unwanted carriage return.
>    Example:
>    "You website has [template] numbers" outputs:
>    Your website has 4
>    members
>    Any idea how I can fix this?

First, a possibly "simple" answer:

    (:template last:)
    Your website has {$$PageCount} members

The long answer: The output of pagelist generally comes in a 
<div>...</div> wrapping, so that's probably what is causing the 
linebreak in the output.  And even if we can get rid of the <div>, 
the standalone "4" is still going to end up enclosed in its own 
paragraph (<p>...</p>) so we'd still have some difficulty there.

The topic of inline pagelists recently came up in [1]... and at
the conclusion of that thread we proposed adding a 'tag=' option 
to specify 'div', 'span', or 'none' for the outer wrapping of
the pagelist template.

That takes care of the outer tag, but the inner (<p>) one
still remains.

Today, in another message [2], we've also encountered a case
where someone wants (:pagelist:) to return the markup to its
enclosing page instead of rendering it directly to html.  It would
be good to support this option as well.

[1] http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.web.wiki.pmwiki.user/39693/focus=40130
[2] http://www.pmichaud.com/pipermail/pmwiki-users/2007-March/040971.html

So, instead of a 'tag=' option, I now propose an 'outputtype=' option:

    outputtype=div          # return pagelist as <div>...</div> (current 
    outputtype=span         # return as <span>...</span>
    outputtype=html         # return as html, no outer wrapper
    outputtype=markup       # return as markup (don't convert to HTML)

The above template to return a page count could then be done as:

    (:template outputtype=markup:)
    (:template last:)

such that the pagecount ends up being inserted directly in the markup
(along with various carriage returns, that shouldn't result in
lines in the output).

Another option that avoids the template altogether is to write a custom
fmt=count option for pagelist to return the count.  This would be:

    function FPLCount($pagelist, &$matches, $opt) {
      $matches = array_values(MakePageList($pagename, $opt, 0));
      return count($matches);

    $FPLFormatOpt['count'] = array('fn' => 'FPLCount');

Then one could simply use (:pagelist fmt=count ...:) to return the
number of pages.

Hope this helps!


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