On Wed, Mar 28, 2007 at 01:20:33PM +0100, SteP wrote:
> Martin Fick wrote:
> > Again, referring to my reply in that thread, I feel
> > that the above should just work and that plts are
> > inherently broken if it doesn't.
> All I can add is that my conceptual model of pagelists - wrong one, as I 
> discovered in PM's reply - was that pagelists always returned markup that 
> the page would then expand. Why wouldn't one want that to be the default 
> behavior, should the pagelist implementation be changed?

See my earlier replies.  But basically, there are also people who
expect structures built inside of pagelists to automatically close,
and we don't want things like (:if:) markups "leaking" out of the
pagelist into the rest of the page, and doing things like causing
the rest of the page to suddenly disappear.

That's why I think that we need a concept of "inline pagelists",
which are specified via some sort of "inline" option to (:pagelist:).
Then it becomes clearer that whatever happens in the template markup
can directly impact the outside markup.


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