On Mon, Apr 02, 2007 at 01:24:29PM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> I know I'm coming in very late to this party, but fwiw I'm not
> sure that "{varname}" is a good syntax to use in the long run, 
> as it tends to eat up the curly brace characters and make it
> difficult for any other markups to make use of them.
> (Bracketing characters are very precious in markup -- imagine
> how difficult many things would be if PmWiki had chosen to use
> single brackets for its link markup, as in [link].)
> [...]

Just to be sure my previous message isn't misinterpreted...

I'm not at all saying that Fox "absolutely must" change
its {var} syntax.. I'm just indicating that it's a design
choice I wouldn't have made myself (for the reasons
given in my previous message), and that I can't guarantee
that it won't pose a core conflict in the future.

I don't have any plans that would immediately indicate
a likely core conflict... but as we start looking at convergence
with other markup languages and content engines, the {var}
syntax looks a bit risky to me, because there are so many other
possible meanings that could be attached to simple curly braces.


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