Thursday, April 5, 2007, 3:36:19 PM, SteP wrote:

> In my limited testing I found one issue, and added a noted to the recipe
> page: if you're entering markup in the text area, line breaks like \\
> should be entered as \\\\ because something -I suspect the input control-
> will turn each \\ into a \

> This is a problem because a user would need to repeatedly fix all line
> breaks each time before posting the form.

I checked Fox, and removed stripmagic from processing POST values.
This seems to fix it. I don't know why stripmagic does it though.

In PmWiki.Functions it says about this function:

"This function should always be used when processing the contents of
$_POST or _GET variables. It verifies get_magic_quotes(), if true,
strips the automatically inserted escapes from the string."

But it seems to strip slashes when it should not.
so for now I removed it.
A new Fox is uploaded to

BTW the (:textarea ..:) markup is great, and I can have all input data
preserved, including textarea data, if Fox does an abort because of an

I added friendly error messaging via (:messages:) to Fox too.


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