Two questions/problems I am running into:

1. I have pmwiki set up in my web server root. I have a directory called
"images", with image files in it, including one called "SantaBarbara.jpg".

I would like to attach the image to a wiki page. I can do it by linking to
the actual url of the file, in the form I am wondering if there is a
simpler way to connect to a local file, maybe with a relative link, without
having to type the whole url and create a static link (that would not change
if I move the wiki to another site)?

2. For some reason the Attach markup does not work for me - maybe because I
did not allow attachment by authors, which is intentional. I tried the
following, and each gives me a text result, not the image file:


Is there a way to allow attachments without allowing uploads? I want access
to the uploads to be through ftp or scp, not via pmwiki.

Thanks for your help.

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