So would I no have a pmwiki.php file in my other wikis but only in the
wikifarm engine?

On 12/4/07 1:29 PM, "DaveG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Apr 2007 10:54:49 +0200, Mark Trumpold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Hi again
>> After a little more reading I still have questions;-)
>> Do I install a new 'empty' or 'dummy' pmwiki that all the existing wikis get
>> there scripts etc etc? The way I look at it it would make upgrading easy
>> and safer (less risk to the existing Data. So if something were to go wrong
>> with the dummy wiki the others would be still ok.
> That's the approach Ben Wilson documents on the FarmSetupByExample page. I
> didn't take that approach yet simply because I already set things up another
> way, but when I get some time I will likely switch. Logically having the
> PmWiki engine separate from all farm data (local, wiki.d) makes more sense,
> and is less prone to errors when upgrading.
>> If I do that will it affect the wiki.d directory that has all my valuable
>> pages? I read somewhere that it will make a new wiki.d for any wiki new to
>> a farm. I don't mean new wiki but existing wiki joining the farm.
> In this type of setup you simply move the wiki.d to another directory.
> Essentially the wiki.d in the PmWiki engine directory will not be used.
> Whilst experimenting, simply make a backup copy of wiki.d. That way if
> something does get overwritten, you can simply copy it back.
>  ~ ~ Dave

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