On 4/18/07, the Other michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No Hans -- you have not made any claims for ZAP insecurity -- but you
> have raised a lot of negative speculation and insinuation very loudly.
> As Dan has also done the same positively regarding ZAP, and returned
> the negative favor for FOX.

My apologies re: FOX.  Hans does nothing but the best of work.

> Also, Dan -- I think Hans has a good point re: documentation. In-code
> docs are nice.
> Relying on an external website that may or may not be there 3 years
> from now won't help me when I'm trying to understand my code 3 years
> from now and the website is gone. Self-documenting code is always the
> goal, of course -- and there's only so far one can go. Mirroring key
> docs on PmWiki would be good -- Jiri does this for the JITS zap-based
> system. There are additional concerns re: mirroring doc-changes from
> one site to PmWiki; but I know that if Jiri's site goes down, the docs
> are still available at PmWiki.org

I'll make a point to add at least a bit more documentation in the
actual code in an upcoming release. This is a good point.

> FOX & ZAP both have their unique uses; it's a pity they aren't better
> integrated.

Agreed.  And I do know ZAP has benefited from FOX as I used at least
one idea from Hans that cut out nearly 100 lines of inefficient code.
I've also come to greatly appreciate the advantages of in-page comment
insertions which I abandoned back while ZAP was still FASTdata. On my
own production site I've recently decide to use FOX's approach as it
does make things easier to maintain.

I should further add I make extensive use of Hans' LWS recipe, and his
ShowHide recipe--and recommend their use with ZAP on ZAP's support
site.  They are both great scripts.


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