On 4/19/07, Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 19, 2007 at 01:47:28PM -0400, The Editor wrote:
> > On 4/19/07, Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 04:38:16PM -0400, The Editor wrote:
> > >> > $MarkupExpr['wiki'] = 'MkExpExtWiki($params)';
> > >
> > >In the comments at the top of markupexpr.php, it reads:
> > >
> > >    Finally, if the code in $MarkupExpr contains '$params', then
> > >    it is executed directly without any preprocessing into arguments,
> > >    and $params contains the entire argument string.  Note that $params
> > >    may contain escaped values representing quoted arguments and
> > >    results of other expressions; these values may be un-escaped
> > >    by using "preg_replace($rpat, $rrep, $params)".
> >
> > $rpat and $rrep need to be declared global in the extension function I
> > presume?
> Use it in the ME definition itself:
>     $MarkupExpr['wiki'] = 'MkExpExtWiki(preg_replace($rpat, $rrep, $params))';

Ahhh, Ok!  I tried several configurations but not this one. Should
have guessed...

> Look at the way that $MarkupExpr['pagename'] is defined in
> scripts/markupexpr.php for an example.
> > >At present I don't have any plans to change the way that PmWiki
> > >escapes (:pagelist ...:) in the core.
> >
> > It would be very nice to be able to accurately store pagelists in
> > PTV's.
> The phrase "store pagelists in PTV's" doesn't quite make sense
> to me.  Exactly what text do you want the page text variable to
> contain?

I want to use a ZAP form as an interface for creating a custom
pagelist. The form lets the user select the group, enter search
criteria, maybe set other parameters (count, order, sort), then ZAP
constructs something like the value below and saves it as a text var,
perhaps on the same page. The text var then suddenly becomes the
desired pagelist as soon as they hit the submit button:

(:MyPageList: {(wiki pagelist group=Snippets Test fmt=#Titles)}:)


It is something like an alternative to the Searchbox, except I get
greater control over what options I give and don't give the user.

It worked nicely before, but there may well have been problems with
links and indexing, etc., when the pages saved I never noticed. No
problems with timeouts...


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