Hi Everyone.

I have a question concerning the ZAP Forum script that Caveman developed on his
ZAP site. I think it's really great and does everything I need it to do, the
problem is that I can't figure out one important detail.

I am running pmwiki 2.2.0-beta44, with the april 17 version of zap (the most
recent, i believe).

my problem is this:
i have inserted the forum snippet so that people can submit posts to my site.
truthfully, it's the same code that caveman posted, but it's suiting my needs
just fine. thanks caveman! the code is as follows:
(:zapform key=forum:)
(:zap datapage="Demo-Forum.#" forum:)
||Date:  ||{(ftime '%x')}(:input hidden Date "{(ftime '%x')}":)
||Thread: ||{(thread Demo-Forum)}
||Posted by: ||(:input text Author "{$AuthId}":)
||Topic: ||(:input text Topic size=40:)
||Post: ||(:input textarea Post cols=30 rows=7:)
|| ||(:input submit value="Post to Forum":)
(:input hidden savedata "Date,Author,Topic,Post":)

(:pagelist group=Demo-Forum list=normal name=-RecentChanges,-Template 

the code for the #forum pagelist template is as follows. again, it was pretty
much copied.:
(:template first:)
(:table cellpadding=5px border-left:2px border-top:2px width=100%:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#ccff00; color:#333333;:)'''Thread'''
(:cell bgcolor=#ccff00; color:#333333;:)'''Topic'''
(:cell bgcolor=#ccff00; color:#333333;:)'''Post'''
(:cell bgcolor=#ccff00; color:#333333;:)'''Date'''
(:cell bgcolor=#ccff00; color:#333333;:)'''By'''
(:template each:)
(:cellnr bgcolor=#333333; color:#ccff00;:)[[{=$Group}/{=$Name}]]
(:cell bgcolor=#333333; color:#ccff00;:){=$:Topic}
(:cell bgcolor=#333333; color:#ccff00;:){=$:Post}
(:cell bgcolor=#333333; color:#ccff00;:){(ftime '%x' '{=$:Date}')} {=$:Done}
(:cell bgcolor=#333333; color:#ccff00;:){=$:Author}
(:template last:)(:tableend:)

what i am unsure about is..how do i get the data submitted in the form to appear
on each thread's page? For example, on the ZAP Forum Snippet page
[http://www.fast.st/zapbeta/index.php?n=Snippets/Forum], once a post is made and
appears in the pagelist, you can click the thread # link, and open a new page
with all the data nicely displayed.

however, when i click my thread page # links, the page is displayed, but nothing
is visible. the form data only appears when you edit the page. You can check it
out on my site (which is being reconstructed) here

i would like to know if there is some code i am missing in my form, or if there
is a template i would have to make so that the data automatically appears in the
 page's normal "view" mode.

i have VERY limited experience with php or zap coding. i'm sorry.
could someone point me in the right direction?

sorry this email was so long.

thanks for you time and patience (and help!)

:: ira

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