Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> The pmwiki-users mailing list has never been intended to be
> strictly "focus on code".  It's an open mailing list for any and 
> all discussions related to PmWiki.  It's perfectly okay for those
> discussions to range beyond the PmWiki realm from time to time.
> If people on the list feel that they want to talk strictly code,
> pmwiki-devel exists for that.
> Are there really a significant number of people on pmwiki-users
> who are wanting a separate forum for totally non-PmWiki-related 
> topics?  So far we seem to have two votes in favor of this.
> Pm

I'm in favour of keeping the users list focused on PmWiki and website 
development. Not tightly, nazi-ish, strictly, but not a free-for-all, 


- For some, this list is required reading. Yes, it's possible to start 
ignoring threads, but that's harder with some newsreaders than others. 
Also, even if you choose to ignore 50%, you still have to screen it.

- For new users, a busy list is intimidating. They don't know what to 
read and what not to read, so end up reading it all. Information overload.

- PmWiki posts are more likely to slip through the cracks if there is a 
busy discussion. As is, 2-4 questions from _new_posters_ get missed each 
month. Some get re-asked, others dropped.

- We have enough (insert noun) when we focus on the product. Now add in 
off topic rants, debates and misunderstandings.

- It's a haven from the news and drama happening elsewhere in the world 
and online.


Having said that, I do appreciate the chance to be off topic 
occassionally. A laugh that has to be shared that this audience would 
appreciate. A technical question that, while not about PmWiki, fits 
better here than my other lists. I enjoy reading the profiles and 
heading over to folks' websites. I like feeling there's someone in the 
cubicle "next door".

So, my vote is this list remain relaxed and mostly-on-topic. Friendly, 
helpful, welcoming. Sociable, but not social.


pmwiki-users mailing list

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