On Wed, 2 May 2007, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Wed, May 02, 2007 at 10:43:58AM +0200, Roman wrote:
   (:if date 2007-05-01..2007-05-31 {*$Name} :)

I assume that each parameter accepts any expression. For example, if
page names are in form "News-yyyy-mm-dd", the following condition
should work. Am I right?

(:if date 2007-05-01..2007-05-31 {(substr {*$Name} 5)} :)

Yes... and it's not necessary to use the {(substr ...)} .
The date converter will search any string for the first
date-looking-thing that it finds (see below).  So, even
for a page named "News-yyyy-mm-dd" one can do

   (:if date 2007-05-01..2007-05-31 {*$Name}:)

I believe this gives an affirmative answer to my question if "Meeting2007-05-31" would match the above. Nice :-)

The date converter understands the following formats:

-  A string starting with '@' and a sequence of digits is treated
  as a unix timestamp

Hmm... I'd assumed the source of the string to be a page name (I wasn't thinking about page variables). Anyway, can a page name contain a '@'?


Christian Ridderström, +46-8-768 39 44               http://www.md.kth.se/~chr
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