On 5/2/07, Stirling Westrup <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My wife currently uses PmWiki to run her business website. She asked me today
> if there was a recipe she could use to duplicate the functionality of <a
> href="www.yousendit.com">YouSendIt</a> on her site for when she wants to
> distribute confidential information to her clients.
> For those unfamiliar with YouSendIt, it allows one to upload files and specify
> who can download them (by email address). Those people receive an email
> containing an autogenerated cryptographic URL like:
> www.yousendit.com/files/AKD8LK38LAS8L38F8LS8NL9
> The person who goes to that URL is then (optionally) prompted for a password.
> After supplying the password they can download the file, and the site takes
> note of the fact its been downloaded.
> There is also an overview screen for the account holder that shows what files
> are in storage for download, when they were uploaded, how big they are, and if
> they've been downloaded yet.
> All of this sounds doable with PmWiki, but I don't know of any recipes that
> provide these features, or even come close. I'm willing to write such a thing
> from scratch, but if someone knows of some recipes that provide some (or all!)
> of these features, to give me a starting point, I'd love to hear about it.

I'd be willing to work with you on this Stirling if you are
interested.  Sounds like a good project for ZAP.  It already can
handle uploads quite flexibly, do emails, has maillists/groups and has
an encoding/decoding scheme that can be tapped into.

It would probably take a custom extension or two--but they are easy to
write.  And perhaps some other things. But I'd be happy to help if
you'd like to give it a try.  I know there are a few security issues
about ZAP right now--but hopefully I can get those nailed down very
soon.  Maybe tomorrow...


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