On Thu, May 03, 2007 at 01:55:16PM -0500, Salmons, Michael wrote:
> I have what I think is a pretty basic question, and I'm asking because I
> couldn't find any reference to it in the the list archive.
> I am not requiring author names per the $EnablePostAuthorRequired
> variable, though I am considering it. What happens is users will edit a
> page, leave their names as author, then  nothing will appear in the
> recent changes list.

How do you mean "nothing will appear in the recent changes list"?
Do you mean that the page is showing up in RecentChanges as having
been modified, but that no author name appears?  Or is the page not
showing up at all?

(Also, which version of PmWiki?)

> I was experimenting with this and found if I left a comment, my name
> would always appear. 
> Then a strange thing happened: subsequently, whenever I edit a page,
> comment or no, my name always appears.

I'm also not sure exactly what you mean by "left a comment" -- do
you mean that you edited a page, added some text, and pressed save?
Or... ?

When editing the page, is the "Author:" field filled in?

> A week prior to this experimentation, I finally edited my profile page,
> if that makes a difference.

The existence of a profile page shouldn't make a difference.


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