On Wednesday 02 May 2007 17:42, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> 2.  Relative page links
> The $EnableLinkPageRelative variable can be set to tell PmWiki
> to use relative urls for page links instead of absolute urls.
> This may result in shorter pages and some bandwidth savings
> for many sites.

Hello Patrick,

While testing the new $EnableLinkPageRelative variable, it is not working when 
the page name contains international characters. The characters are 
url-encoded, like Méthode -> M%c3%a9thode. With full urls, it works:

   http://localhost:8000/wiki/Projet/M%c3%a9thode -> this is Ok

   /wiki/Projet/M%c3%a9thode -> this is NOT Ok, the parser thinks
   there is a span style %c3%

This will not only not work with UTF-8, but also when the encoding is 
iso8859-1 and there is an accented character.

Removing $EnableLinkPageRelative = 1; fixes the link.


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