Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Fri, May 04, 2007 at 03:27:58PM -0400, IchBin wrote:
>> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>> Okay, I'm now officially confused, so I'll restart.  Your original
>>> message said:
>>>>>>>>   All I want to do is:
>>>>>>>> - Hide all of a groups menu items for a particular Group.
>>>>>>>> - Have a login menu Item that  asks for the group read password.
>>>>>>>> - Then if validated it displays all of the Group menu items and brings 
>>>>>>>> up the groups home page.
>>> The big question I have is this... given that we have a group *read*
>>> password (which prevents reading of any page in the group),
>>> what should a visitor see before that read password is entered?
>> For this sake of argument example they would see only the pmWiki doc and 
>> website links. 
> No, I mean.. what do they see in the main content area?
> If a visitor browses to the url for the Group, and the pages
> (incl. the HomePage) are all protected by a read password,
> then what is the visitor to be looking at in the main content
> area?
> Or is the Home Page for the group going to be publicly readable?

No... the whole point of this is to have the ability to *hide* 'a' 
particular group(s) behind the covers of the normal, visible main website.

This main website can have other group(s) which *can* be linked to (via 
the menu items in the left menu area) by *any* visitor. There is no read 
password on these pages.

I would also have another menu item (with the other menu items on the 
left) that would say "Login".  Once selected it would request an account 
and password). If authorized I would then 'show' another group of menu 
items that pertained to the groups that person is authorized to view. 
And also load the home page for that particular group.

It is like a Servlet\JSP app I had my last site running on from my 
machine out to the internet. Just visualize what the Wikipeadia skin 
looks like. OK, say I am just showing three tabs at the top. Evey body 
will see this and can read the contents that they hold. No problem. Now 
when I login to this website all of a sudden there are say three more 
tabs. Since I authenticated myself by logging in I am now able to have 
these extra tabs displayed. The content of which the normal user will 
not be able to see not to mention edit..

> Apologies if I'm coming across as dense or pedantic -- I'm just a 
> little confused.
> Pm

Sorry, the confusion is probably rubbing off from me.

Thanks in Advance... 
IchBin, Philadelphia, Pa, USA
'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
-William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)

>>>> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>>>>> Okay, that helps.  We can definitely do what you're looking for,
>>>>> but I'm having trouble visualizing the process -- especially
>>>>> the part about "if validated it displays all of the Group menu items
>>>>> and brings up the group's home page".  Does the visitor not see
>>>>> the group's home page before validation?  If not, then what *do*
>>>>> they see?
>>>>> Perhaps you could walk me through what a visitor does and 
>>>>> sees when they first come to the site?  For example, if the Group's 
>>>>> home page is read protected, where does the visitor 
>>>>> who hasn't entered a password yet start?  Do they simply get
>>>>> a page where the main contents are blank and a login form in
>>>>> the sidebar, or ... ?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Pm
>>>> Naturally I could not use the conditional for the admin. It would need 
>>>> to be for an authorized group user. For sake of argument, the left menu:
>>>> (:if auth admin:)
>>>> %sidehead% [[grouppage/grouppage]]
>>>> *[[grouppage/Blabblab1]]
>>>> **[[grouppage/Blabblab1]]
>>>> **[[grouppage/Blabblab2]]
>>>> **[[grouppage/Blabblab3]]
>>>> **[[grouppage/Blabblab4]]
>>>> (:ifend:)
>>>> (:if expr !auth admin || !auth attr || !auth edit :)
>>>> [[Login -> {grouppage}?action=login]]
>>>> (:ifend:)
>>>> (:if auth admin || auth attr || auth edit :)
>>>> Account
>>>> [[Logout -> Main.HomePage?action=logout]] %blue%{$Author}%%
>>>> (:ifend:)
>>>> (:if !auth admin:)
>>>> %sidehead% [[PmWiki/PmWiki]]
>>>> * [[PmWiki/Initial Setup Tasks]]
>>>> * [[PmWiki/Basic Editing]]
>>>> * [[PmWiki/Documentation Index]]
>>>> * [[PmWiki/FAQ | PmWiki FAQ ]]
>>>> * [[PmWiki/PmWikiPhilosophy]]
>>>> * [[PmWiki/Release Notes]]
>>>> * [[PmWiki/ChangeLog]]
>>>> %sidehead% [[ | ]]
>>>> * [[Cookbook:CookbookBasics | Cookbook (addons) ]]
>>>> * [[Cookbook:Skins | Skins (themes) ]]
>>>> * [[PITS:PITS | PITS (issue tracking) ]]
>>>> * [[PmWiki/Mailing Lists]]
>>>> (:ifend:)
>> -- 
>> Thanks in Advance... 
>> IchBin, Philadelphia, Pa, USA
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>> 'If there is one, Knowledge is the "Fountain of Youth"'
>> -William E. Taylor, Regular Guy (1952-)
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