On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 10:01:42AM +0100, marc wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud said...
> I know folk aren't enamoured by object orientation around here - I can't 
> help it being a Java and Ruby dude - but I felt that a captcha recipe is 
> an ideal candidate for using the strategy pattern.
> ...
> In this way, the recipe can easily be extended with the admin's 
> preferred captcha algorithms, without the recipe needing to be updated - 
> nor would it need to include each and every available algorithm.[2]

This is already this case.  Changing the captcha algorithm is
as simple as providing alternate handlers for ?action=captchaimage 
and/or the {$Captcha} page variable.  No modifications to the recipe
are required.

And yes, this can easily be done on a per-group or per-page basis.


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