On Tue, May 8, 2007 16:05, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Tue, May 08, 2007 at 03:54:34PM +0200, ThomasP wrote:
>> Hi!
>> > Perm for user 'admin', page 'Main.HomePage', level 'ALWAYS': failed.
>> > Perm for user 'admin', page 'Main.WikiSandbox', level 'ALWAYS':
>> failed.
>> > Perm for user 'admin', page 'PmWiki.AccessKeys', level 'ALWAYS':
>> failed.
>> >
>> > Not sure where to go from here!
>> >
>> Well that's quite obvious. "Someone" had obviously a special permission
>> level in mind ;)
>> To be serious: The module is asked for permission on level 'ALWAYS', but
>> this level is just not known to the authorization module (and probably
>> should not exist in pmwiki), and is consequently denied. In the later
>> pmwiki version the level in the corresponding permission queries is then
>> corrected/remapped/whatever.
> PmWiki uses the "ALWAYS" permission level to indicate that a page
> should be retrieved regardless of any passwords that may have been
> set.  It's used internally when PmWiki wants to evaluate the
> permissions on a page even if the page has a 'read' password
> set.
> In particular, the (:pagelist:) command uses the ALWAYS level
> to determine which pages need to be subsequently checked if
> pagelist results are being cached.

Yes, it occurred to me after some time that the level actually tells quite
clearly its intended use.

I will add it to UserAuth2 starting from 2.0-stable4.


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