I've recently come up with an idea for something to put up on one of my
PmWiki's that might end up being quite popular -- possibly even ending up on
slashdot or digg. I don't know how likely a scenario that is -- but its
certainly possible.

In some ways, this is both a best- and a worst-case scenario. Its best in that
it gives me the most leverage in accomplishing my goals (eyeballs == power!)
but if it kills my system, then its all wasted.

Now, the wiki is currently running on a 2.8 GHz machine that doesn't do
anything but serve web pages and handle mail. The total traffic for all other
websites on the machine combined is negligible. Its only sitting on a 3 Mbps
line, so there a real limit to what bandwidth it can see anyway, so maybe I'm
worrying for nothing. (I really can't afford to try this experiment on heftier

So, what's the best way to prepare PmWiki for a possible slashdotting? Any
advice would be appreciated.

At the same time, if anyone has a pointer to a recipe for including Google
AdWords on a page, I would like to see it. That way I might have a chance of
partially offsetting my bandwidth costs if this idea does take off.

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